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Changzhou Luyao Drying Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Address:Three Hekou Industrial Zone, Zhenglu Town, Changzhou
Contacter:Mr Fang
Zip code:213115
Current Location:Home>Project Case>Other industry

Project Case

Special spray dryer for collagen
Special spray dryer for collagen
Application customer:     Material name:
Selection of products:
Summary: Collagen is a biological high molecular substance. The English name is Collagen.···Detail
Glucose rotary drum dryer
Glucose rotary drum dryer
Application customer:     Material name:
Selection of products:
Summary: Glucose is also known as corn sugar, corn sugar, and even simply referred to as ···Detail
Cellulose special flash dryer
Cellulose special flash dryer
Application customer:     Material name:
Selection of products:
Summary: Silicon carbide drying production line is a new type of high efficiency fluidize···Detail
Silver powder special vacuum dryer
Silver powder special vacuum dryer
Application customer:     Material name:
Selection of products:
Summary: Through powder granulation, improve fluidity and reduce dust flying. The powder ···Detail
Calcium bicarbonate special fluid bed dryer
Calcium bicarbonate special fluid bed dryer
Application customer:     Material name:
Selection of products:
Summary: Calcium bicarbonate is an inorganic acid salt that is easily soluble in water. T···Detail
Copyright:Changzhou Luyao Drying Equipment Co.,Ltd.   
Address:Three Hekou Industrial Zone, Zhenglu Town, Changzhou Contacter:Mr Fang Mobile:13506144009
Tel:0519-88909038 Fax:0519-88909038
SiteUrl:keimfarben.cn Email:fangqun1968@163.com Zip code:213115